Hey, I've not heard of this before but then I grew up in a small farm. My parents were farmers and earth and plants are their livelihood. As farmer's children you get to see earthworms quite often and their place are in the soil... sometimes used as baits for fishing.
Never in my adult life to comes across worm farming. I thought it was very funny. I couldn't stop myself giggling. We put all types of trash from leftover food to telephone directory and they really eat them...gone in days. I don't know how they eat because they don't have teeth or anything like that. Their cast is a good source of compost... very good for the garden, in my case flowers in pots.
How did we get the worms? From Bunnings warehouse. They sell a wide range of stuff...everything except food and clothing. The worms are in boxes packed nicely and you can also get container made especially for worm farming.
So now instead of throwing leftovers into the bin, I give them to the worms and I get fertilizer from them. It is very good. But they don't like onion... never give them onion. You'll hear them screaming... haha. I think they die.
I drove to work this morning with less than a quarter fuel tank. I tried not to fill my tank on Mondays and weekends because those are the days when the petrol prices are high. The price of petrol normally goes down on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
If I can get to work and back I'd be very happy. It's more than 30km drive to work and the indicator was quickly going down to 'e' and the hilly road was no help. E for empty...? well, I was hoping e for enough to get me home.Anyway, I didn't want to take the risk of the car dieing on me in the middle of nowhere so I had to fill my fuel tank... didn't want to take the risk. That was an experience with my eyes concentrating more on the fuel indicator rather than the road.
When I first arrived, this question of 'why the price of petrol is not consistent'... I am still asking the same question.They get expensive on weekends and holidays and usually cheaper on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. You can get long queues on Tuesday evenings and to make it worse some of the pumps are out of order. What the..? It seems like they reduce the price but they close some pumps to force you to wait the following day so that they can more out of you... So buy your petrol when it's cheaper.News are circulating that the price of petrol will come down and I hope it will come down soon. And then I will consider to change my little car.
What is your type? Good question.
Recently, a friend of mine sent me a book Live Right For Your Type. Some of you might have known this but I was not aware that your blood type has something to do with who you are. And to know your real identity according to your blood you have to watch your lifestyle and what you eat & what to avoid. Interesting... I wanted to know more.
The blood type profile, according to this book...
The Type O ancestral prototype was a canny, aggressive predator. It was instinctual for Type O to strive for position, to leave the weak and feeble behind in order for the majority to survive. Type O profile remain essential to this day - leadership, extroversion, energy and focus.
The Type A disposition favor a structured, rhythmic, harmonious life, surrounded by a positive, supportive community. Type A's more internalized relationship to stress can be a challenge for the modern Type A.
Type B carry the genetic potential for great malleability and the ability to thrive in changeable conditions. Meaning your position is fluid rather than stationary with the ability to move in either direction along the continuum.
And it goes on with the health issues and lifestyle strategies.
So which one are you?