Started house hunting in December hoping to find something suitable physically & economically to purchase. But because of the economic crisis and the uncertainty of the future we postponed our house hunting. Not confident in getting a mortgage and we need the savings for rainy days. I personally was confident that we will not be directly affected by the economic downturn because buildings, manufacturing and the likes will not stop and many new small businesses will come up which I think will give us business opportunity. But ES think it is better to wait and not rush...we are not renting and because we will be spending a lot to go oversea this year. Well... ok (disappointed) it's not a big deal, I just wanted to grab the opportunity while the interest rate is low and also want a bigger house to what we have now so that we have some space for relatives and friends to stay when they come over..:-).That's what I thought.
It's fun house hunting though,... looking at other people's houses. Experience going to a very nice modern tidy new house to a classic traditional ozzie house and to a very messy, untidy... really messy house. We actually saw a nice house that both of us like and we actually put a price on it but other people put a better price...not meant to be. We are still looking and will buy only when we see a really good deal.