It's a 3-hour drive to Canberra and we planned to start our journey before the traffic builds in...that is about 6am. That gives us ample time to do some sight seeing or other things along the way. It turned up us leaving almost 7am and about 7km away ES realised he forgot his passport which was what the trip was all about, to renew his British passport. So we had to turn back...and a loong way away to find a junction to turn back.The traffic was not as bad as I thought it would be because we didn't have to go through the city. We reached our destination around noon and were redirected to another location which is at Canberra Airport...about 10 minutes from the address we thought the consulate would be.

The airport was undergoing construction and we had difficulty finding our way so we end up parking our car at the airport car park and a long walk to the British Consulate Building.
After another drive to get passport photo we were ready to go back. huh..? going back already...what about lunch?.. that's me always thinking of food. Ok don't worry about food.
Instead we went to Cockington Green Gardens where miniature buildings of the world are displayed. Beautiful gardens and little buildings. I got myself a nice mug and a beer mug for ES... and we were on our way. Hey.. what about lunch.? I went all the way to Canberra.. 300km from home and I only had green tea..? :-) Anyway, it was a nice day out.